Download PDF GRE Prep Plus 2019 Practice Tests + Proven Strategies + Online + Video + Mobile Kaplan Test Prep Kaplan Test Prep 9781506234601 Books

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This newest edition of Kaplan's GRE Prep Plus 2019 features a new practice test. In addition, about 25% of the in-format questions to the practice sets in the book are new.
The book guides you through your GRE prep step by step, with added online practice and video lessons to ensure you're ready for test day. Study Kaplan's proven strategies, boost your math skills, practice your pacing, and become an expert in the exam's computerized format with online practice tests.
Kaplan is so certain that GRE Prep Plus 2019 offers all the knowledge you need to excel at the GRE that we guarantee it After studying with the online resources and book, you'll score higher on the GRE—or you'll get your money back.
In the online content that comes with the book, get everything in our GRE Prep 2019 package, plus an additional practice test, hundreds of additional practice questions, dozens of timed practice sets for every section of the test, a customizable online Qbank, and video lessons on stress-reduction techniques and study planning tactics that can help you ace the GRE.
With GRE Prep Plus 2019, you can study on-the-go. Log in from anywhere to do practice sets and even full practice tests that are optimized for your mobile device.
The Best Practice
- Two full-length online tests help you practice in the same computer-based format you'll see on Test Day.
- One brand-new full-length practice test included in the book for easier reference and review.
- Personalize your study plan with the individual performance summary you'll receive after each test.
- Customize your practice with a 500-question online Qbank that lets you select problems by topic and difficulty.
- Chapters on each GRE question type and math skill, with practice sets for each.
- Questions have been reviewed, revised and updated for 2018-2019 by Kaplan's all-star expert faculty.
- Purchase of GRE Prep Plus 2019 comes with one-on-one academic support from Kaplan faculty on our Facebook page
- We know the test The Kaplan team has spent years studying every GRE-related document available.
- Kaplan's expert psychometricians ensure our practice questions and study materials are true to the test.
- We invented test prep—Kaplan’s ( proven strategies have been helping students achieve their goals for almost 80 years.
Want to boost your studies with even more online practice and in-depth GRE workbooks? Try Kaplan's GRE Complete 2019.
Download PDF GRE Prep Plus 2019 Practice Tests + Proven Strategies + Online + Video + Mobile Kaplan Test Prep Kaplan Test Prep 9781506234601 Books
"I don't know if I can really recommend this book.
The basic material is quite good, it gives a very good overview of basic math, and verbal test taking skills. The vocabulary lists are extensive and pretty well organized too. So in terms of raw study material, this book is fine.
However, when it comes to actual GRE preparation, this book is totally inadequate. After taking the actual GRE, I realized two things.
First: the verbal practice material was massively harder than the actual GRE. The basic question format was similar, but the GRE was more balanced in terms of vocabulary use, and the reading passages were more clear. The Kaplan questions were written as though they were being paid per thesaurus word, and were almost comical in their overuse of fancy vocabulary words. The end result was that I was very worried about how I'd do on the GRE verbal section, when in fact I basically aced it.
Second, the quantitative practice material was incredibly easy in comparison to the GRE. I basically nailed all the practice question sets, and going into the test, I felt very confident that I was going to recognize tricks and be able to analyze the questions well. What actually happened was that I was absolutely blindsided by the difficulty of the questions. My score was adequate but not great. I ran out of time on every math section, and by the end I was actually laughing at the screen because of how woefully unprepared I was for the types of questions I was being asked. The Kaplan material gave me absolutely zero awareness of what I was walking into. I was truly shocked.
On the plus side, for $20-ish, you get a pretty good set of basic study material. If your math skills have been underutilized for years, and you don't read enough for fun, this book will help you at least get up to a functional level, so in that respect I don't feel ripped off.
However, as an actual preparation guide for the GRE? Absolutely not. Indeed, the "test day" section itself is actually incorrect, because among other thing it tells you to bring a watch and snacks/drinks, whereas watches are expressly banned by ETS, and the testing center didn't allow any kind of food or drink at all."
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Tags : GRE Prep Plus 2019 Practice Tests + Proven Strategies + Online + Video + Mobile (Kaplan Test Prep) [Kaplan Test Prep] on . <B>Publisher's Note</B> Products purchased from third-party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality,Kaplan Test Prep,GRE Prep Plus 2019 Practice Tests + Proven Strategies + Online + Video + Mobile (Kaplan Test Prep),Kaplan Publishing,1506234607,Gre (Graduate Record Examination),Tests,Examinations,Graduate Record Examination,Graduate Record Examination;Study guides.,Study guides,Universities and colleges - Graduate work - Examinations,Universities and colleges - United States - Graduate work - Admission,Nonfiction,Annual, any number,EDUCATIONAL TESTS AND MEASUREMENTS,Education - Higher,Educational Tests And Measurements (Higher Education),GENERAL,GRADUATE DEPARTMENTS AND SCHOOLS,GRE prep; GRE review; GRE practice; GRE Test Prep; study for GRE; GRE 2018; GRE 2019; graduate school; GRE verbal; GRE quantitative; GRE quant; GRE math; GRE quiz; GRE video; GRE lesson; GRE strategies; GRE practice questions; business school; GRE Premier; physical therapy; physician assistant; graduate-level nursing,GRE prep;GRE review;GRE practice;GRE Test Prep;study for GRE;GRE 2018;GRE 2019;graduate school;GRE verbal;GRE quantitative;GRE quant;GRE math; GRE quiz;GRE video;GRE lesson;GRE strategies;GRE practice questions;business school;GRE Premier;physical therapy;physician assistant;graduate-level nursing,General Adult,Graduate Record Examination,Graduate Record Examination;Study guides.,Gre (Graduate Record Examination),Non-Fiction,Nonfiction,Reference works,STUDY AIDS / GRE (Graduate Record Examination),STUDY AIDS / Study Guides,STUDY AIDS / Tests (Other),Study Aids,Study Aids/Study Guides,Study Aids/Tests (Other),Study Guide,Study guides,Test Guide,Test Prep,Test Preparation,Tests,United States,Universities and colleges - Graduate work - Examinations,Universities and colleges - United States - Graduate work - Admission,STUDY AIDS / GRE (Graduate Record Examination),STUDY AIDS / Study Guides,STUDY AIDS / Tests (Other),Study Aids/Study Guides,Study Aids/Tests (Other),Educational Tests And Measurements (Higher Education),Graduate Departments And Schools,Study Aids,Test Prep,Reference works
GRE Prep Plus 2019 Practice Tests + Proven Strategies + Online + Video + Mobile Kaplan Test Prep Kaplan Test Prep 9781506234601 Books Reviews :
GRE Prep Plus 2019 Practice Tests + Proven Strategies + Online + Video + Mobile Kaplan Test Prep Kaplan Test Prep 9781506234601 Books Reviews
- I don't know if I can really recommend this book.
The basic material is quite good, it gives a very good overview of basic math, and verbal test taking skills. The vocabulary lists are extensive and pretty well organized too. So in terms of raw study material, this book is fine.
However, when it comes to actual GRE preparation, this book is totally inadequate. After taking the actual GRE, I realized two things.
First the verbal practice material was massively harder than the actual GRE. The basic question format was similar, but the GRE was more balanced in terms of vocabulary use, and the reading passages were more clear. The Kaplan questions were written as though they were being paid per thesaurus word, and were almost comical in their overuse of fancy vocabulary words. The end result was that I was very worried about how I'd do on the GRE verbal section, when in fact I basically aced it.
Second, the quantitative practice material was incredibly easy in comparison to the GRE. I basically nailed all the practice question sets, and going into the test, I felt very confident that I was going to recognize tricks and be able to analyze the questions well. What actually happened was that I was absolutely blindsided by the difficulty of the questions. My score was adequate but not great. I ran out of time on every math section, and by the end I was actually laughing at the screen because of how woefully unprepared I was for the types of questions I was being asked. The Kaplan material gave me absolutely zero awareness of what I was walking into. I was truly shocked.
On the plus side, for $20-ish, you get a pretty good set of basic study material. If your math skills have been underutilized for years, and you don't read enough for fun, this book will help you at least get up to a functional level, so in that respect I don't feel ripped off.
However, as an actual preparation guide for the GRE? Absolutely not. Indeed, the "test day" section itself is actually incorrect, because among other thing it tells you to bring a watch and snacks/drinks, whereas watches are expressly banned by ETS, and the testing center didn't allow any kind of food or drink at all. - average book for studying. explanations were confusing and did not give shortcuts to the problems like needed on test day. also didn’t review old formulas that I learned in like 7th grade. Typos came too. See pics for example where’s answer key was out of order
- I normally love Kaplan, but this book had a bunch of typos and explanations that were not matched to the problem. In one section of 20 questions, there were four explanations that did not match the questions. Makes studying harder and also makes me have to be more aware of what I'm reviewing. I'm pretty disappointed in Kaplan on this one.
- I needed a book to prepare me for the GRE, and this did it. This book got me from knowing NOTHING about the GRE to achieving the scores I need to get into Clemson's highly advanced Genetics AND Biochemistry and Molecular Biology PhD programs. I studied using this book and the online tests/practice problems for about 4 months before taking the test. I actively read through each section, did the practice problems, and went back and did the problems over and over again until I understood how to do them and get them right every time. I used the practice tests online, and having taken them, I felt much more comfortable going into the actual test! It was way less foreign, and a lot of the problems on the test were just like what Kaplan gave me. The price is GREAT, much less than what my friends were paying for just online materials.
The book comes with itself, and A LOT of online materials. Two practice tests, hours of videos from instructors, (which I didn't find until too late to use), and practice problems with full explanations. The sky's the limit with you options studying with Kaplan! (Or so I think... After it worked so well for me, I recommended it to my students, and bought the ACT version for my sister. They all loved it too!) - Worth it. Do the online courses which really dive down into the specifics of how to train your mind to take the GRE. It bumped my scores up about 4 points after a scan of the verbal section of the book to get an idea on how to approach the verbal section, because I sucked the first time with a 142. I retook a practice test and scored a 146 after a hard core weekend session I had with myself and this book. The online deal digs deeper into how to approach the GRE, which is a more simplified structured version of the book a well. I'm going to re-take my third and fourth practice test soon to see if I am consistently decent with a 150 or better soon. Again, worth it if you want to take the GRE seriously and pursue a higher degree.